Legacies of Legends


Legacies of Legends

The legacies of Legends is part of the moving peace museum taken around to schools and colleges by the Peace Caravan.

The first edition of 15 sculptures of immanent legends of world peace, who have passed on their Legacies and those who brought about social change by sacrificing their lives will be created.

Realistic life size images of:
1 Buddha, 2 Spartacus, 3. Jesus, 4 Basavanna, 5 Bhagath Singh, 6 Mahatma Gandhi, 7 Martin Luther King, 8 Che Guevara, 9 Sadako Sasaki, 10 B R Ambedkar, 11 Charlie Chaplin, 12 Mother Theresa, 13 Bob Marley, 14 Nelson Mandela & 15 Anne Frank.

The sculptures will be made of light weight, Fiber Glass, durable and strong

These icons will be taken to the schools and colleges, private and public institutions as a moving exhibition projected in a prefabricated Peace Caravan, auditoriums to bring discussion and dialogue on the Culture of war for conflict resolution and to grow a Culture of Peace
The mobile phone has brought about the SELFIE culture… making everyone selfish and self-centered. Here you can make a picture with the Great selfless personalities know their histories and become SELFLESS!